How to navigate hashtags!

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Brittney Ashley

How to navigate social media – The hashtags!

Some of us know it as the number sign, or the pound key, or maybe because it reminds you of waffles! Yummm, waffles 😋.

But let’s get real for a sec – if you’re on social media, you know hashtags are where it’s at! They help you:

🔥 Build your brand 🎯 Boost your marketing campaign 💬 Keep in touch with your audience

Hashtags are everywhere and cover all sorts of topics. With millions to choose from, how do you know which ones to use?

Hashtags are magic wands for getting your posts noticed and growing your audience naturally. People search hashtags to find stuff they’re into and follow accounts that match their interests.

Some marketers try to game the system by stuffing 20+ hashtags into a single post. Well, guess what? There’s a method to the madness, just like every great marketing plan! 😉

Instagram’s bots are wise to these tricks and might shadow ban accounts that overdo or misuse hashtags. Shadow banning means your posts won’t show up in hashtag searches.

This can happen for a few reasons, but a common one is overusing the same hashtag in multiple posts. So, mix it up and don’t just copy and paste the same hashtags over and over.

Instagram lets you use up to 30 hashtags per post. If you’re going to max them out, use the triangle tier and split them into three groups of 10. Each post should have a strategy!

If you’re using less than 24 hashtags, make them count:

  • Hashtags below 5,000? Not enough reach.
  • Hashtags above 500,000? Too popular and get lost in the crowd.

Add all hashtags in your comments and track each post while keeping your Instagram KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in mind.

Here’s your hashtag game plan:

  1. What hashtags does your target audience use? Be niche-specific.
  2. What hashtags are your competitors using?
  3. Keep an eye on trends and social media holidays.
  4. Follow hashtags by clicking the blue follow button at the top of any hashtag collection.
  5. Use the triangle tier and split 30 hashtags into three groups of 10.
  6. Track, analyze, and track again! Write those hashtags down and keep your KPIs in mind.

Remember, hashtags on Instagram have a method to their madness! Now, let’s quickly recap for other social media platforms:

Twitter: Hashtags can go anywhere in a Tweet. One hashtag gets the best engagement. Use them wisely to join trending conversations and expand your reach.

Facebook: Stick to one or two hashtags. Too many look unprofessional and can clutter your message. Focus on relevance and quality over quantity.

LinkedIn: One to three hashtags are ideal, and include them in the body of your article. LinkedIn is more about professional networking, so choose hashtags that reflect your industry and expertise.

Pinterest: Use a few relevant hashtags in the Pin description. No more than 20 per post. Hashtags on Pinterest work like keywords, so think about what your audience is searching for.

No matter the platform, have a strategy and know your target audience. Use specific and relevant hashtags to attract the right people. Happy hashtagging! 🚀

Hashtags aren’t just a trend; they’re a powerful tool to boost your visibility and engagement across all social media platforms. So, next time you’re crafting that perfect post, don’t forget to give hashtags the attention they deserve. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting, mastering the art of hashtags can make a big difference. Get creative, stay relevant, and watch your social media presence grow! 🌟

Ready to take your social media game to the next level? 🚀 Let’s make an impact and live freedom-filled lives together! We can’t wait to collaborate with you. Ready to take the next step towards a more organized and successful life? Book a call with us today, and let’s turn your dreams into reality! 📞✨

Follow us on Instagram! @creativedynamicsva 📲

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